Chromium VI (Cr (VI)) in cement is a sensitising agent that can cause allergies and skin irritations in people who handle cement, mortar and concrete. To prevent this, Directive 2003/53/EC imposes a limit of 2 ppm Cr (VI) on European cement manufacturers in their cements.

The presence of Cr (VI) in cement is mainly due to the oxidation of the chromium present in certain materials used in its manufacture. The solution to the problem lies in the addition of an external chemical agent to the cement that can reduce the Cr (VI) – soluble – to Cr (III) – insoluble – which is then no longer absorbed by the skin.


Chromium VI in cement can cause allergies and skin irritations in people who handle cement, mortar and concrete. To prevent this, Directive 2003/53/EC imposes a limit of 2 ppm Cr (VI) on European cement manufacturers in their cements.

The presence of Chromium VI in cement is mainly due to the oxidation of the chromium present in certain materials used in its manufacture. The solution to the problem lies in the addition of an external chemical agent to the cement that can reduce the Cr (VI) – soluble – to Cr (III) – insoluble – which is then no longer absorbed by the skin.


Key advantages :


  • Durable Chromium VI content reduction
    Reductis® reduce significantly the Hexavalent Chromium content in cement even at low dosages.
    Chromium VI content can be maintained below 2 ppm to be in line with the 2003/53/CE European standards
  • Health of your team
    Reductis® 6Ø is a hazard symbol free solution. It safeguards the health of your team and the environment.
  • Limited installation and maintenance costs Reductis® is a liquid solution easy to introduce through a standard dosing equipment.
    It helps to limit maintenance costs.

Cr (VI) reduction

Health of your team



Our products

A new innovative solution has been developed within the Chryso laboratories.

Indeed, CHRYSO®Reductis 6Ø is a Chryso solution responding to a customer need for the reduction of Chromium VI. It enables the CrVI content to be reduced and maintained durably (> 6 months) below 2 ppm according to European standards 2003/53/EC.

This new product is the only Cr VI reducing agent without any label existing on the market.

CHRYSO®Reductis 50 is a Chryso patented solution for the reduction of Chromium VI in cement. It allows to decrease and maintain durably (> 6 months) CrVI content below 2 ppm to be in line with the 2003/53/CE European standards.

The CHRYSO®Reductis 50 does not affect material performance and remain compatible with other cement and concrete admixtures.

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